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How to get Digital Ocean $200 free credit in Nepal

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Digital Ocean is a popular cloud platform that offers a $200 free credit for new users. This allows you to test out their services for 60 days without any costs. Getting this free credit can be very beneficial for developers, startups, and companies in Nepal looking to try Digital Ocean.

Reffral Link for free 200$ :

DigitalOcean Referral Badge
Table of Contents

Eligibility for the free $200 credit

To qualify for the $200 free credit on Digital Ocean, you need:

  • To be a new user without an existing Digital Ocean account
  • To sign up with a valid credit/debit card or PayPal account

Using an international dollar card from a Nepal bank

Since Digital Ocean requires a valid credit/debit card, getting an international dollar card from Nepali banks like Standard Chartered or NIC Asia can meet this requirement. Here are the steps to get one:

  1. Visit your bank and specifically ask for an international dollar card. This is different from a regular card.

  2. The bank will ask for citizenship proofs, photos, and application fees to issue the card.

  3. Once ready, the bank will provide a dollar card that can be used for international online payments.

  4. This card will have a dollar balance as per the currency exchange rate with your deposited amount.

Step-by-step guide to getting the $200 credit

Follow these simple steps to claim your $200 free credit on Digital Ocean:

1. Sign up for a new Digital Ocean account

Go to Digital Ocean and click on "Get Started" and then "Sign Up" to create a new account. Use a valid email address to complete the signup process.

2. Add the international debit/credit card

On the payments page, enter the details of your international Nepal debit/credit card issued in dollar currency. Digital Ocean will deduct $1 initially to verify the card.

3. Confirm your account

Check your email for a confirmation link sent by Digital Ocean and click on it to verify your account. This completes the signup.

4. Claim the $200 credit

Once signed up, you will see a "Get started with $200 Credit" button on your Dashboard. Click on it and follow prompts to claim the $200 free credit.

Usage and validity of the $200 credit

The $200 credit has to be claimed within 7 days of signing up or else it expires. You can use it for 60 days on any products/services on Digital Ocean without any payment.

Some important pointers about the credit:

  • It can be used for purchasing Droplets (cloud servers), Managed Databases, Spaces CDN storage, Cloud Firewalls and more
  • Unused credits expire after 60 days
  • Cannot be combined with any other offers from Digital Ocean

So try optimizing the usage of this credit during the 60 day period.

What can you host on the $200 free credit?

Here are some things you can host and test out with the $200 credit from Digital Ocean:

  • Websites - Host multiple websites by taking small $5/month Droplets
  • Web applications - Deploy Node.js, React, PHP, Python apps on Droplets
  • Blogs - Setup managed databases and CMS for blogs
  • E-commerce stores - Test stores built with Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce
  • Portfolio - Launch a portfolio site to showcase your work
  • Proof-of-concepts - Test prototypes and proof-of-concepts of your projects
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The $200 equates to free 40 months of the $5/month Droplets, which is an excellent value.

Launching a simple portfolio website

As an example, you can launch a simple portfolio website showcasing your work with the $200 credit:

Step 1: Create a $5/month basic Droplet

This provides you 1CPU, 1GB RAM and 25GB SSD storage which is enough for a simple site.

Step 2: Install WordPress on the Droplet

Use the pre-configured WordPress image while creating the Droplet. This installs WordPress automatically.

Step 3: Get a free domain

You can use freenom.com to find a free .tk domain for your portfolio site. Configure it to point to your Droplet IP.

Step 4: Install portfolio WordPress theme

Install a suitable WordPress portfolio theme on your site. Add your projects, information and customizations.

Step 5: Launch site

Add content, customize and launch your portfolio site! You can continue hosting it for free through the $200 credit period.


Getting the $200 free credit allows developers, startups and companies in Nepal to easily test Digital Ocean and cloud hosting for 60 days. The international debit/credit card from local banks enables setting up the required payments profile easily. Some smart usage of the credit allows you to launch useful projects showcasing your work.


Basanta Sapkota's Review

Date Published: 2023-12-19

Rating: 4.75/5

I recently tried the Digital Ocean Free Tier program and it's fantastic. They offer a generous $200 credit that lasts for 60 days, allowing you to explore their cloud services without worrying about costs. This is a great opportunity for developers, startups, and small businesses to test the platform. The credit is easy to apply and gives you the flexibility to experiment with various services and configurations. The performance and reliability of Digital Ocean's infrastructure are impressive, making it a top choice for hosting and development needs. Highly recommended!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Is there a free tier in DigitalOcean?

    Yes, DigitalOcean offers a free tier with a $200 credit for 60 days.

  • Can I host on DigitalOcean for free?

    Yes, you can use the $200 credit from the free tier to host on DigitalOcean without initial costs.

  • How long is DigitalOcean free?

    The DigitalOcean free tier provides a $200 credit that is valid for 60 days.

  • Is DigitalOcean app platform free?

    Details about the DigitalOcean App Platform's pricing can be found on their official website.

  • What happens if I don't pay DigitalOcean?

    If you don't pay, your resources may be suspended. Refer to DigitalOcean's terms of service for more information.

  • Is AWS more expensive than DigitalOcean?

    Pricing varies between AWS and DigitalOcean. Consider your specific needs and usage patterns to determine which is more cost-effective for you.

  • Does DigitalOcean have a free trial?

    DigitalOcean offers a $100 credit for new users, which can be considered a trial period.

  • Is DigitalOcean free for students?

    DigitalOcean may have special programs for students. Check their official website for student-related offerings.

  • Is DigitalOcean free to use?

    DigitalOcean provides a free tier with a $200 credit, making it essentially free to use within the allocated credits.

  • How do I get a free tier without a credit card on DigitalOcean?

    Details on obtaining the DigitalOcean free tier without a credit card can be found on their website during the signup process.

  • How to get $100 credit from DigitalOcean

    New users can often receive a $100 credit from DigitalOcean as part of a promotional offer. Check their official website for the latest promotions.

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