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How to get Vultr $250 free credit in Nepal

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Vultr is a global cloud platform that offers a $250 free credit for trying out their services. This allows you to use their infrastructure for 2 months without any costs. Getting this credit can be hugely beneficial for developers, startups, and tech companies in Nepal looking to evaluate Vultr.

Table of Contents

Eligibility Criteria for the $250 Credit

Vultr has the following eligibility criteria to qualify for the $250 credit:

  • You must be a new Vultr customer without an existing account
  • Requires a valid international debit/credit card or PayPal account

Getting an International Card from Nepali Banks

To meet the payment requirement, getting an international dollar debit/credit card from major Nepali banks like NMB or Everest Bank works well. Here is the process:

  1. Visit your bank and request for a global debit/credit card
  2. Submit citizenship proofs and application fees to get the card
  3. Activate the internationally valid dollar card

This card can be used to sign-up on Vultr and meet the payment criteria for getting the $250 credit.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the $250 Credit

1. Sign Up for a New Vultr Account

Go to Vultr and click on "Sign Up" to create a fresh account. Provide your email and set a password.

2. Enter Valid Debit/Credit Card Details

On the payments page, enter the details of the internationally valid Nepali debit/credit card issued by your bank.

3. Verify Your Vultr Account

Check emails from Vultr and verify your account by clicking on the email confirmation link sent to you.

4. Claim the $250 Credit

Post email verification, you will see an option to "Activate $250 Credit" on the Vultr dashboard. Click and apply it to enable the free credit.

Usage and Validity Conditions of $250 Credit

Vultr provides the following usage conditions on the $250 credit:

  • Can be used only by new customers for 60 days
  • Any unused credits expire after 60 days automatically
  • Cannot be combined with any other promotional Vultr offers

So it is important to maximize the use of this credit within 60 days before expiry.

What Can You Host for Free Using the $250 Credit

The $250 credit allows you to host and evaluate these solutions on Vultr for 2 months:

  • Websites - Host multiple WordPress sites
  • Web Applications - Test Node.js, Python, Java apps
  • Mobile Backends - Build backends for mobile apps
  • Gaming Servers - Host game servers like Minecraft and CS:GO
  • Big Data Analytics - Create Spark and Hadoop clusters

With free usage for 2 months, you can build and test projects well during the credit period.

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Launching a Simple WordPress Site Example

As an example, you can use the credit to launch a simple WordPress portfolio site to showcase your work:

Step 1: Deploy WordPress Server

Use the pre-configured WordPress app while deploying a Vultr Compute instance.

Step 2: Attach a Domain

Attach a free domain from Freenom or use your own custom domain.

Step 3: Install Portfolio Theme

Install a suitable WordPress portfolio theme to showcase your projects.

Step 4: Add Content

Add projects, customize site, and launch your portfolio! Site stays live for free during the 2 months.


The $250 credit from Vultr allows developers in Nepal to evaluate their cloud platform for free. Using an international debit/credit card issued by Nepali banks simplifies the sign-up process. This results in 2 months of free hosting to build useful projects and sites.


What is Vultr offering to developers in Nepal?

Vultr is providing a global cloud platform with a generous offer of a $250 free credit. This credit allows developers to explore and utilize Vultr's infrastructure for 2 months without incurring any costs.

What are the eligibility criteria for the $250 credit on Vultr?

To qualify for the $250 credit, you must be a new Vultr customer without an existing account. Additionally, having a valid international debit/credit card or a PayPal account is necessary.

How can I obtain an international debit/credit card from Nepali banks to meet Vultr's payment requirement?

To meet the payment requirement, you can obtain an international dollar debit/credit card from major Nepali banks like NMB or Everest Bank. The process involves visiting your bank, submitting citizenship proofs, and paying application fees to get the card.

What is the step-by-step guide for getting the $250 credit on Vultr?

  • Sign up for a new Vultr account by visiting Vultr and clicking on "Sign Up" to create a fresh account. Provide your email and set a password.
  • On the payments page, enter the details of the internationally valid Nepali debit/credit card issued by your bank.
  • Check emails from Vultr and verify your account by clicking on the email confirmation link sent to you.
  • Post email verification, you will see an option to "Activate $250 Credit" on the Vultr dashboard. Click and apply it to enable the free credit.

What are the usage conditions of the $250 credit provided by Vultr?

The $250 credit can be used only by new customers for 60 days. Any unused credits automatically expire after 60 days. Additionally, the credit cannot be combined with any other promotional Vultr offers.

What kind of projects can I build using Vultr's $250 credit?

You can build websites, web applications, mobile backends, gaming servers, big data analytics projects, and more using the $250 free credit from Vultr.

Can I extend the 60 days usage period for the $250 credit?

No, the usage period is limited to 60 days as per Vultr's policy. Any unused credits expire automatically after 60 days.

Is any purchase necessary to get the $250 credit from Vultr?

No purchase is necessary. You simply need to sign up for a new Vultr account using a valid international debit/credit card or PayPal to meet eligibility criteria.

Can I use multiple $250 credits on a single Vultr account?

No, the $250 credit is only for new Vultr customers. It cannot be combined across multiple accounts.

What happens after my $250 credit expires?

Post credit expiry, any further usage of Vultr would be chargeable as per their standard pricing. You may choose to continue using the services or terminate your account.

Does Vultr accept all major credit/debit cards from Nepal?

Vultr accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards with international usage enabled. Check with your Nepali bank on card compatibility.

Can I use the $250 credit to purchase Vultr Reserved Instances?

No, the $250 credit cannot be used to purchase Reserved Instances, which require upfront payment. It is only applicable for pay-as-you-go usage.

Is technical support included during the $250 credit usage period?

Yes, you can access Vultr's standard technical support included with all accounts during the $250 credit usage tenure.

Are there any specific instances eligible for the $250 credit?

The $250 credit can be used with any Vultr compute, cloud instance type or service as per listed pricing. No restrictions.

Can I terminate my account before the 60 days end?

Yes, you can terminate the account anytime as per your needs. Remaining credits get voided automatically.

What is the process to activate the $250 credit post account verification?

Just click on the "Activate $250 Credit" button visible on your Vultr dashboard post email verification. The credit gets activated instantly.

Is the $250 credit auto-renewed after expiry?

No, the $250 credit is a one-time welcome offer for new Vultr customers. It does not auto-renew and expires after 60 days.

Can I transfer my Vultr $250 credit to another account?

No, the credit cannot be transferred as per Vultr's terms. It is tied to the Vultr account that activated it.

Is Vultr usage metered for billing post $250 credit expiry?

Yes, Vultr usage is metered and billed on hourly/monthly basis as per listed pricing once your credit expires.

Is Vultr recommended for production deployments in Nepal?

Yes, Vultr has a proven global infrastructure suitable for launching production apps/sites from Nepal with good connectivity.

1 comment

  1. Surjo
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